Healing through Reiki

You may have heard about the incredibly transformative power of Reiki. Made of two Japanese words, ‘Rei’ which means ‘higher power’ and ‘Ki’ which means ‘life force energy’, Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction, which also promotes healing. Based on the concept that energy flows through the body giving us life, Reiki helps to restore low energy levels – caused by sickness or stress. By channeling vital energy back into the body, Reiki works to support the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

A typical treatment involves a Reiki practitioner laying their hands on a person, in various positions, to channel Reiki energy. Reiki energy flows through clothes, towels, plaster casts, etc. Reiki is great for easing physical pain, emotional turmoil, and accelerating all forms of healing.

Reiki is so non-invasive and gentle that even animals and plants have been shown to respond very powerfully to it.  The benefits of the technique are immense; scientific studies have shown that receiving Reiki causes brain waves to slow to the very valuable meditation level of 8-10 Hz. Reiki raises the oxygen levels in the blood by 30%, which stimulates and cleanses the whole system. The technique also balances the body’s energies, loosens blocked energy and promotes a state of total relaxation.

As well as helping with energy levels, Reiki also cleanses the body of toxins, and supports the body’s natural ability to heal itself across all aspects – mental, emotional, spiritual and physical. By re-establishing spiritual equilibrium and mental well-being in the body, you’ll feel balanced and restored after a Reiki session, and equipped to deal with everyday stress.

Debbie is a highly qualified Reiki Master. She has been using Reiki for many years, and is testament to the incredible powers of the healing technique.  


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