What is Wellbeing?

We hear the term ‘wellbeing’ often, particularly when it comes to balancing a busy lifestyle with a stressful career. But what does it actually mean, and why is it important for you and your life?

Wellbeing is generally described as the condition of being contented, healthy or successful. It requires a sense of balance across all aspects of life, and it’s extremely important for living a life of purpose. Without balance, negative aspects in life such as stress, poor health and a lack of purpose can worsen and start to affect your quality of life. The 5 aspects of life that require balance in order to achieve a state of wellbeing are the body, the mind, emotions, nature and your social life. It may seem like a lot to balance and give equal time and energy to, but balance is at the very heart of achieving wellbeing. A balanced lifestyle essentially sees contentment within the 5 aspects of life, and unlocks your true potential in life.

Wellbeing is essential for overall health in your personal life and in your work life. Think about it; if you’re getting enough sleep every night, eating a nourishing diet, exercising regularly, spending time with loved ones and allowing yourself to switch off from the stress of work, you will be balanced in all aspects of your life including your overall wellbeing. But allowing just one area to be neglected, such as your diet, will have a flow on effect for the other aspects of your life. A poor diet may lead to poor health, poor health may lead to less motivation to exercise and so on. Allow yourself to fully thrive in all areas, by maintaining balance and equality.

Wellbeing is also essential for your career. On average, we spend 8 hours a day at work, one third of our entire 24 hour day. To be at our most productive, and to be in the best position possible to handle stress that comes from working, there must be balance in all other areas. Poor health, poor sleep, strained relationships and poor diet will all have a flow on effect in the workplace, and negative consequences. To be at your best, ensure you keep your wellbeing as the main priority in life, and allow the positive benefits to reach across all areas of your life.


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